Boambee East
Community Centre Inc.

Development Application Proposal

A development application was been submitted for 647, 679A and 679B Pacific Highway, Boambee East (0493/23DA) in January 2023. The proposed development involves subdivision into 70 residential lots, including 7 community lots (Stage 1), with one lot presently designated Environmental Conservation that will be dedicated to council, and one lot that will be the subject of a further development application in future (Stage 3), as well as concept approval for 70 dwellings on the residential lots (Stage 2).

The development includes plans for the construction of a road to access the proposed subdivision from an intersection 40m from the Pacific Highway on Bruce King Drive.  It anticipated that this proposed access road and intersection which will service about 700 vehicle trips per day, with the majority of this traffic heading east along Bruce King Drive during morning peak times and turning from the Pacific Highway into Bruce King Drive to access the proposed access road during evening peak times.  

The proposed access road would traverse existing community land and will impact significantly on the safety and enjoyment of the land surrounding the community garden and community centre for:

  •  visitors to the community centre who participate in the community programs that are facilitated both within the centre and on the grounds surrounding the centre, including a number of programs for those experiencing socio-economic disadvantage, children’s play groups, and baby health;
  • visitors to and gardeners working in the community garden;
  • the large numbers of community members who attend the Boambee East Community Centre’s Annual Winter Solstice Festival;
  • families and children using the swings located near the community garden or the open areas to ride their bikes or play outdoor games; and
  • community members using the public reserve area to the exercise and to walk their dogs, particularly those who prefer to exercise their dogs off lead in the area.

The construction of this access road would also include the clearing of nearly 4,600m2 of native vegetation, including 3,000m2 of Prime Koala Habitat.

The Boambee East Community Centre is submitting an objection to the proposed development because it believes the proposed access road will negatively impact on the safety and amenity of the community land on which it resides and the safety of Bruce King Drive.  We believe that the proposed development will also have an unacceptable impact on our local koalas.


You can view a summary and maps of the proposed development below.  You can view our objection here.  This application is still being considered by the council.