Boambee East
Community Centre Inc.

Dance Group

Every Thursday afternoon. 1:15pm – 3:30pm 

BECC Dance practice group welcomes dancers of all levels to an afternoon of new vogue / old time sequence dancing. Partner not required. If your two left feet can get you in from the car park you are fit enough to dance. If you suffer with balance or being giddy. Dancing may help. 

‘New Vogue’ is popular Old Time Sequence Dances done at a social level to suit the capabilities of the individual dancers. Emphasis is on physical activity, mental stimulus and social interaction at an affordable cost of just $5.00. 

Our Afternoon goes a bit like this:

13:15 general dance practice activities 

14:15 tea & biscuit break

15:30 finish dance practice activities 

Yearly Membership of BECC is just $10.00  

Enquiries please contact:

Peter Warby: 0407 091 133