Boambee East
Community Centre Inc.

Meet the Team

Volunteers are the lifeblood of Boambee East Community Centre.  Our wonderful team of volunteers run the centre, keeping the doors open during business hours and pitching in for special events like our Winter Solstice and Family Fun Days.  The varied and valuable contributions.

Our volunteers

Margaret Bridgeman

Ross McDowall

Steve Morrison

Natalie Oliver

 Ann Jenz

BECC support people wanting to volunteer within their local communities. If you are interested in volunteering with us. Please contact Boambee East Community Centre to discuss opportunities.  BECC team look forward to hearing from you. 

Management Committee

Comprised of up to 9 members elected at the AGM, the management committee is responsible for handling all the affairs of BECC Inc including engaging employees and ensuring good governance.  There are 3 Executive positions, President, Secretary and Treasurer supported by the remaining members.  Together the MC ensures that BECC Inc meets its obligations to members and the community.  All positions are voluntary and generally attract a wide range of skills and representatives from across the community ensuring that the Centre is well managed and supported.

Manager – Sue Butler 

Sue was instrumental in making Boambee East Community Centre a reality, transforming the former and much smaller Neighbourhood House into the BECC we now know and love.  Since 2004 when the centre first opened its doors, Sue has been here guiding the team and creating a safe and welcoming space for the whole of community.  Community events such as our Winter Solstice Family Fun Day and special focus events such as Women’s Circles are all possible thanks to Sue’s support.

Office Administrator – Ann Pierlot

Ann came to BECC initially as a volunteer, wanting to give back to community after working in libraries, financial institutions and various organisations in administrative roles. She is now the Office Administrator at BECC and has been part of the Community Centre for 13 years, still loves coming to work each day and is passionate about the Centre.

Program Co-ordinator – Rachel Kay

After 5 years of being an at home Mum Rachel saw a flyer for BECC looking for volunteers.  Expressing interest as an opportunity to expand skills, meet likeminded individuals and update references.  Rachel has since completed a Certificate IV in Community Services, currently doing some paid work relieving BECC manager and will soon be launching her own writing business.  What Rachel loves the most about BECC is the people, “none of us are perfect and none of us are alike yet somehow we all mesh together and make this place work because we all love the community and want to give back to it.” 

President – Grant Geytenbeek

Grant was a pastor of Boambee Community Baptist Church, the church near the community centre, for 13 years. Grant came to be part of the BECC family when a former management committee member asked if he was interested in being involved in the management committee about 15 years ago. Grant currently works in disability support and he loves most about the centre is the diverse range of people who contribute to make the place an asset to the community.

Committee member – Maree Morris

Maree came to the centre through the original Neighbourhood House for work experience as part of studying Community Services at Tafe. Later returning as a volunteer and staying on from the early days until now. Maree sticks around because of the people. “Every time you come it’s different” she says “and I love helping people”. Her family is also a part of the centre with her grandson being a favourite with the staff and other volunteers. 

Committee member – Barry Walker

Barry has lived locally for the past 18 years. Involved with the centre for over 10 years. He enjoys working with others who have the best interests of the community in mind. ‘The centre is a friendly and a safe place for community to enjoy.”

Committee member – Adrian Gale

Adrian, as you may have guessed from his avatar, is one of the more shy members of the BECC Management Committee.  Adrian joined the BECC family via the Lifeskills for Blokes program which ran here a few years ago.  Through natural attrition and a desire to remain connected to the centre and its activities after the Lifeskills program finalised, Adrian joined the committee and is still one of our valued members.  Keeping fit and maintaining some of those lifeskills and connections from his early interaction with BECC, Adrian is part of a group that meet most weeks to walk together enjoying the jetty foreshore.  What Adrian likes the most about being involved with BECC is that ongoing connection to the community, a chance to meet and interact with people he would never encounter otherwise and an opportunity to give back to a centre that has given him so much.

Committee member – Emily Morrison 

After graduating a Masters degree in Design at White House Institute of Design, Sydney. Emily became a mother of two children. This humble responsibility and humanitarian insight influenced interests of community planning & development to study Urban and Regional Planning at curtin university. Emily joined BECC whilst seeking a community development work-placement opportunity after completing a Certificate IV in Business & Community services.  Emily enjoys being part of a caring team of people who are passionate about delivering inclusive and supportive services to the local community.

Chris Arulappen
Chris is our newest committee member and a most welcome addition at a time where all community organisations are struggling to find volunteers.  Chris’ introduction to BECC was by attending the Nyami Women’s Empowerment Circle and Day of Inspiration that was held as part of Women’s Week this year (2021).  During a break at the event, Chris found herself talking to Marg, one of our long standing volunteers who made sure we all knew that Chris was interested in getting involved and now she is signed up as a volunteer and committee member.  In her working life, Chris works as an Occupational Speech Therapist and has a great range of skills which will enhance our team.  She is passionate about women and young people and we can’t wait to get her involved in our BECC Youth Crew and Young Women’s Circles which are planned for later this year.